Sunday, October 25, 2009

Most Disgusting Knitting Blog You Will Read Today

Cat yarn! My cat is huge; the Anna Nicole Smith of cats. Her fur is very fine and soft, like cotton balls, since she seems to have fewer guard-hairs than most other cats. Her fur is almost all under-coat consistency, except for directly over her spine. I brush her every other day or so and get an entire brush-full of fur. (Note: that's a library book and a J. Crew catalog that she's sleeping on, for size comparison.)

Earlier this week, her cat brush and my drop spindle were obviously too close together. I blame this on my dad. He was talking about making golden retriever yarn.

I spent a whole 2-minutes on this. I'm not an accomplished spinner, so undoubtedly if I'd taken more time the yarn would've come out thinner and more even. As it is, it was very easy to make a single-ply chunky yarn. It's actually a lot like Lamb's Pride bulky, but very soft, more like Malabrigo.

This cat seems to be super allergenic. I'm more allergic to her than other cats. Considering that some people have to carry epi-pens around due to severe life-threatening cat allergies, a sweater made from cat yarn could be down-right dangerous. An entire skein of cat yarn will not be forthcoming.