Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Busted, Beverly's, and Basketball

Over the weekend I visited the Beverly's craft store in Alameda, where I purchased 4 skeins of Coats and Clarks' "Creme de la Creme" worsted weight cotton yarn and 2 50g skeins of Red Heart wool sock yarn. How I came to be at the Beverly's in Alameda, and how Alameda is a charming little island of Leave-it-to-Beaver cute houses approximately 4 blocks away from industrial-decay/don't go outside at night Oakland is another story.

It wasn't until last night, while I was sitting on my new-to-me couch and watching the Men's College Basketball Finals, that I noticed the bottom sliding doors on my yarn altar had fallen off. Evidently my recent purchase of yet more cotton yarn had caused enough pressure to bust the doors right out of their little wooden tracks. Hmmm. Some people might take this as a sign that they have too much yarn.

I haven't actually gotten around to putting the doors back on the yarn altar, however, because both of my hands were occupied during the Big Game with knitting on the Baby Blessing Blanket. Some last-minute color changes occurred last week, so I'm just now getting back to where I was before I decided to rip out the white section and replace it with more dark blue. White colors and soon-to-be toddler boys don't harmonize well together anyway.

In the meantime, I've churned out 4 cotton dishrags. My perpetual dream of being able to make enough dishrags to give to all of my relatives for Christmas may come true this year, since I still have 9 months left to go before the holidays. I also have visions of a cotton garter-stitch bath mat. (Basically, the Blessing Blanket done in cotton.)

Sunday, April 05, 2009


In the spirit of Palm Sunday, I'm coming clean. I broke my yarn fast. I fell off the yarn wagon. I succumbed to the Siren's yarn song. And when I fell, I fell hard. Think Lucifer's fall from Heaven.

It was the evil temptation of the WEBS sale that did it. Now I'm jitterly waiting for my yarn fix. I've stocked up on Cascade Ecological (6 skeins in two colorways, one for O w l s and one for who-knows-what), Cascade Eco Alpaca (for my Francis revisited because I just wasn't feeling the Fisherman's Wool), and the piece do resistance, Baby Alpaca Grande (10 skeins (!): I'm thinking about EZ's garter stitch blanket).

And, since I don't have and now really need a No. 13 needle tip for my Knit Picks Interchangeables, I staggered over to the KnitPicks website. After checking, out there I found my cart full of 3 balls of Swish DK in Pale Lemon, 4 balls of Swish Worsted in Tidepool Heather, and Mason-Dixon's Outside the Lines. I figured that two baby sweaters for my preggers friend was more economical than a baby blanket. So I'm going with EZ's Baby Sweater on Two Needles. I also refuse to make a pink sweater. I figured pale yellow and a greenish-blue would look smashing on the new one since both my friend and her husband are very, very blonde and blue-eyed.

So...I think I need to get another tub for my yarn...