Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Let's Get Twig Faced

A few weeks ago, Nancy and I decided to have a KAL for Twiggy. Progress, as usual for me, is slow. Mostly, that is due to the fact that I've been working on more portable objects like the lace ribbon scarf. Also, Twiggy has gotten heavy. My wrists start to get sore after a few rows. So far for Twiggy, I have the body up to the arm pits. I need to start the sleeves and I'm having second thoughts on my choice in size. Should I have knit the small? Will I run out of yarn?

We can only tell by knitting on.

In all honesty, the Twiggy update was just a ruse for me to post pictures of our feline in residence, Face. He shows interest in what I'm doing even though I suspect that he is only interested for selfish reasons.

1 comment:

Pants said...

who couldn't adore that face!? no worries on your pace, I'm stalled on the twigster, finishing up my gram's cardigan. but after I get the sleeves sewn on to hers, I'm back to my twiggy....sleeve 1 is done-ski!