Sunday, January 18, 2009

Elderly British Lady

For the past two weekends (or so), I've been holed up at home working on my knitting while drinking tea and watching BBC while the weather was snowy and very, very cold. I've been hooked on the Dorothy L. Sayers Miniseries from the late 80s. So many hours of mystery and clever British witticisms.

Anyway, I've been making head way on my February Lady Sweater. Right now I'm about 7" into the lace section of the bodice. I've also been perusing the billions of FLS projects on Ravelry to get inspiration on how I want the finished product to look. While I have an idea now, it came mostly by way of all the unfortunate projects on Ravelry. Perhaps I'm a horrible person, it could be so, but some of these projects are really atrocious. Now, I support the idea of making something yourself and being really proud of what you have accomplished; however, I also think that you don't have to wear the thing you toiled away on if it makes you look dumpy or frumpy or just doesn't do a damn thing for you. I think there is also the brave spirit who gives the finger to the world and all the critics and says, "Screw you. I made this. I'm wearing it." That's ok too. Those people don't want to be know by what they have knitted but by their attitude in wearing it.

All the perusing put me in a bit of a snit. This was due to the fact that while I start looking at everyone else's Ugly Finished Object I start to fear that mine too is going to be ugly and I'm going to be blind to its ugliness. So, I charge all of you readers (all two of you), to not be afraid to tell me thank my labored over and carefully knitted FO is atrocious and should be frogged without delay. Either that or give me good ideas on how to not make me look frumpy and dumpy as though all I've been doing is eating scones, drinking tea, and knitting while watching the BBC.


Pants said...

I solemnly swear to tell you when yer FO is a UFO. Promise!

Aidan said...

I think M.A. reads your blog too. So, that makes three of us.