Sunday, April 05, 2009


In the spirit of Palm Sunday, I'm coming clean. I broke my yarn fast. I fell off the yarn wagon. I succumbed to the Siren's yarn song. And when I fell, I fell hard. Think Lucifer's fall from Heaven.

It was the evil temptation of the WEBS sale that did it. Now I'm jitterly waiting for my yarn fix. I've stocked up on Cascade Ecological (6 skeins in two colorways, one for O w l s and one for who-knows-what), Cascade Eco Alpaca (for my Francis revisited because I just wasn't feeling the Fisherman's Wool), and the piece do resistance, Baby Alpaca Grande (10 skeins (!): I'm thinking about EZ's garter stitch blanket).

And, since I don't have and now really need a No. 13 needle tip for my Knit Picks Interchangeables, I staggered over to the KnitPicks website. After checking, out there I found my cart full of 3 balls of Swish DK in Pale Lemon, 4 balls of Swish Worsted in Tidepool Heather, and Mason-Dixon's Outside the Lines. I figured that two baby sweaters for my preggers friend was more economical than a baby blanket. So I'm going with EZ's Baby Sweater on Two Needles. I also refuse to make a pink sweater. I figured pale yellow and a greenish-blue would look smashing on the new one since both my friend and her husband are very, very blonde and blue-eyed.

So...I think I need to get another tub for my yarn...

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