Sunday, August 02, 2009

Hit Play for Me, Would ya?

Wow! It's been quiet here on the blog, but I will assure you that no one is being left out of new knitting delights. I haven't been knitting at all. No joke. Bar exam season hardly left me with time to sleep, let alone knit. After two states in three days of insanity, my right hand was nearly crippled from writing 16 total essays by hand. This wouldn't have been such an issue if I was a picker, but alas, I still old-school throw.

Anyhow, bar exams are done, and I can resume the knitting. I also have some fabulous vacation time coming so I'll have lots of travel knitting. On August 4, I'm off to the homestead to "clean out my shit" from my mom's house. This has been a rather dramatic development of my mom moving out of our house and in with my grandma in another city about 4 hours away. While I'm happy for my mom to start a new job in a town that much of her family, it comes at a damn inconvenient time. I'm pacifying myself with promises of lovely Missouri summer weather (maybe some awesome thunderstorms, if we're lucky) and fireflies and evenings knitting on the porch with the sister.

After Missouri, I'm home for a few then I'm off to two weeks of Scandinavia! I've very thrilled about this vacation and need to do some more planning. Right now I have just the skeleton: Stockholm to Copenhagen to Oslo to Bergen. I need to flesh it out and get a list of what I want to see/do.

By the time I'm back in the Bean, August will almost be over, and I can focus on becoming employed.

Does anyone need a lawyer-waiting-bar-admission? Anyone? Anyone?

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