Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Argo-scarf, another Dishrag, Holy *#!@ I Can't Believe Some Lady Made This

Here's a very belated picture of my argosy/argonaut scarf that I made last winter. It was such a long time ago that I don't even remember what the real name is, but I do know that the pattern was on Knitty. You may notice some color differences between the two legs of the scarf. See, I used two skeins of Aruncana Alpaca that I bought at Uniquely Yours in Rolla. I probably should've done that "knit every other row with alternate balls of yarn" thing. Like that was gonna happen.

What can I say about the Ball Band Dishrag? I love knitting these guys. $3 for so much fun! If I named this one "tequila sunrise over the Pacific" I would make myself barf. But at least I'd have a nice reusable rag to clean up with.

And lastly, this is a very old cotton doily that my aunt sent me last year for my birthday. She said she paid $.10 for it at a church flea market. It's been sitting on my desk for the last 8 months, and I still can't get over it. Some person (some gal, probably, right?) made this thing. Out of thread. It's crazy.


Emily said...

I was thinking of our Aunt S just the other day when I was going through my correspondences from the past couple of years. She always sends such nice notes and thoughtful gifts. I was going to write her a note about the Hanami wrap and that I want to use the beads she gave me.

Emily said...

Also, I think your Argo-scarf (again with the allusions!) is beautiful. Honestly, I would have attributed the color shift to being handpainted (even if the yarn isn't). That's always a good excuse. Why does this look weird? It's an artisinally handpainted yarn that is known for it's coquettish color shifts.

Perhaps, to celebrate the Jason and the Argoscarf you should have a stop action photography scene of the scarf fighting skeletons and harpies.