Saturday, March 01, 2008


Knitting Be Not Proud: After not being able to knit much the past week or two, I bit the bullet and finished two (2) projects today. I finished the i-cord edging on the Mary Jane house shoes and knitted the strap. Next time, I make a pair I'm definitely going to make sure that I bind off very loosely around the hole. It was a nightmare picking up stitches for the attached i-cord. The first shoe I did was a bit wonky. I kept shredding and piercing the stitches I had to slip over the picked up stitch on the i-cord.

All in all I like them, and since I'm no longer so puzzled about which end of the sole is the heel and which one is the toe, the next pair will be a snap.

In other finished news, I finally attached the handle to my Brea purse and wove in the ends. I still didn't crab stitch around the top and it does seem a bit saggy/floppy. I'm sure a lining would help to fix that but I'm not gonna hold my breath. It took me way too long to do the finishing on this as it is.

Oh, and I did finish my Fetching gauntlets. These too (like everything I knit) took too long for what they were. I ended up frogging the first one that was too loose and reknit it. So really, I make 1.5 pairs of these.

This isn't a finished picture but shows the first gauntlet on the left and it's floppiness. The finished pair are made out of alpaca and are nice and warm. I am contemplating putting a drawstring of ribbon around each wrist to keep them snug.


Pants said...

Love love love the bag, it turned out so great! Now that you've struggled through the slippers, wanna pass on the wisdom sometime?

Aidan said...

I would like to respectfully request/demand a picture of the finished gauntlets. Please. Thank you.

Aidan said...

Also, by the way, the booties look like they turned out really nice! And I'm still in awe of your knitted snowflake purse.

Aidan said...

P.S. I'd be happy to tackle the crab stitching (sounds like something David Sedaris caught from wearing pants he bought at the thrift store...eew...isn't there a better name for the technique?)when you come out to visit if you bring the yarn (and purse).